Why Are Allergies Becoming More Severe? Exploring Causes and Effective Solutions.

by | Jun 12, 2023 | Blog, Severe allergic reactions

Year after year, the allergies we experience every season continue to grow worse. And you’re likely, correct. Current estimates suggest that allergies affect about 30 to 40% of the global population. Medical anthropologists back these estimates. They claim that allergic reactions, from hay fever to eczema and asthma, are surging globally.

When children were born in the 80s and 90s, we could see them playing around dirt or sometimes even eating dirt. Today, this has changed. No parent would allow their child to do so. It can be agreed that such playing conditions back in the 90s were unhealthy (somewhat). However, these children (from the late 20th century) today make up most of the adult population and strongly resist severe allergic reactions. With the rise of daycare centers, children grow in protective environments and will likely have low resistance. One can say, in a nutshell, that a human who grows without any obstacles of any kind will not survive longer. Why? Because diamonds are not made easily!

Understanding Allergies

Allergies occur when the body’s immune system reacts excessively to an allergen or a harmless substance that typically doesn’t affect most individuals. Various examples of allergies include hay fever (allergic rhinitis), asthma, eczema, hives (Urticaria), and food allergies. The severe allergic reaction symptoms may differ based on the specific allergic reaction and could include:

  1. Tongue, facial, lip, or eye swelling
  2. Frequent sneezing or a runny nose
  3. Itchy, red, and water-filled eyes
  4. Difficulty in breathing and throat tightness
  5. Headaches & skin rashes
  6. Stomach discomfort, nausea, and vomiting 

Note: Refrain from self-diagnosing, as allergy symptoms can often mimic other medical conditions. 


An ‘allergen’ refers to a substance in the environment that could instigate an allergic reaction in individuals predisposed to allergies. Numerous allergens exist, and they all have one thing in common – protein. Typical allergens consist of:

  1. Food items – like shellfish, eggs, fish, dairy products, peanuts, various tree nuts (such as almonds, cashews, pecans, and walnuts), sesame, and soy-based products
  2. Flora – Pollen from diverse grasses and plants
  3. Medications – Encompassing prescribed drugs (like penicillin), non-prescription medicines (like aspirin), and herbal remedies
  4. Insects – Like dust mites and venom from bees, ticks, ants, Wasps
  5. Fungi – Including mushroom spores and other molds
  6. Animal dander – such as fur and skin flakes from household pets like cats and dogs.
  7. Chemical substances – Comprising industrial and household chemicals and other chemical products like latex rubber.


Reasons and potential solutions:

There are alternative reasons that can account for the rise in allergic reactions. One factor is the change in our dietary patterns over time, as we have increasingly embraced processed foods while decreasing our intake of fiber. This shift directly impacts our Microbiomes, which play a crucial role in severe allergic reaction symptoms. Another hypothesis put forth by experts suggests a connection between allergies and increased exposure to environmental toxins. These toxins might impair the skin’s natural defenses, thereby diminishing its ability to protect against potential allergens.

  1. Hygiene Hypothesis: One of the most widely accepted theories is the hygiene Hypothesis. Living conditions are way too clean, and kids aren’t exposed to germs that train their immune systems to distinguish between harmless and harmful irritants.
  2. Climate Change: Changes in climate, including warmer temperatures and higher carbon dioxide levels, can affect pollen production. This can increase exposure to allergens and potentially exacerbate allergic reactions.
  3. Urban Living and Air Pollution: People living in urban areas are often exposed to higher levels of air pollution, which can irritate the lungs and exacerbate allergies. In addition, people living in cities have less exposure to natural environments, which could affect the development of their immune systems.
  4. Changes in Diet and Gut Microbiome: There is increasing evidence that changes in diet, especially a lower fiber, and intake, can affect the gut microbiome. This can impact the immune system and may play a role in the rise of allergies.
  5. Increased Awareness and Diagnosis: It’s also possible that the perceived increase in allergies is partially due to better recognition and diagnosis by medical professionals.

Effective solutions may vary depending on the underlying Causes. Here are some general strategies:

  1. Immunotherapy: For some people, allergen immunotherapy (allergy shots or under-the-tongue tablets) can be a good option. This involves exposing people to larger and larger amounts of the allergen in a controlled way over time until their allergic reaction severe becomes desensitized.
  2. Improve Diet and Gut Health: A diet rich in fiber and the potential use of probiotics can result in a healthy gut microbiome. This may improve immune system function and help control allergies.
  3. Reduce Exposure to Allergens: This can involve keeping windows closed during high pollen times, using air purifiers, frequently cleaning your home to remove dust mites, and avoiding foods or medications that cause severe allergic reactions.
  4. Climate Action: Addressing the more significant issue of climate change can help control the increased production and spread of allergens.
  5. Intake Morning Miracle: Starting your day with a Morning Miracle daily intake can provide a natural energy boost and enhance mental focus. Hydrating your body and fueling it with nourishing foods rich in vitamins and minerals help optimize brain function and increase productivity throughout the day. Morning Miracle’s ingredients help flush out toxins, promoting overall health and well-being.
  6. Medication: Over-the-counter and prescription medications can help alleviate allergy symptoms. These include antihistamines, decongestants, nasal sprays, and eye drops.

Remember to consult a healthcare professional for personalized advice about managing allergies. They can provide guidance based on an individual’s specific allergen profile and symptoms.

Factors Contributing to Increased Severity of Allergies

  1. Genetic Factors: Genetics plays a critical role in developing allergies. If both parents have allergies, the risk of their child developing allergies is significantly higher. 
  2. Early Antibiotic Use: Some research suggests that early childhood antibiotics might disrupt the immune system’s normal development, leading to an increased risk of allergies.
  3. Lifestyle Factors: Sedentary lifestyles, lack of physical activity, and obesity have been associated with an increased risk of developing allergies.

Additional Potential Solutions for Allergies

  1. Physical Activity: Regular exercise is a natural anti-inflammatory. It can boost your immune system, which could help reduce the severity of allergies.
  2. Natural Remedies: Some people find relief through natural remedies. For example, saline nasal rinses can help clear allergens from the nasal passages. Quercetin, a natural plant compound, might also help reduce allergic reactions. Morning Miracle is a natural ingredient-based drink that removes congestive mucous and allergen buildup to get you ahead of your day.Get Morning Miracle
  3. Allergen-Specific Treatments: Specific medications or treatments can sometimes be used for particular allergens. For example, allergy drops (sublingual immunotherapy) can be used for specific allergens.
  4. Educate and Prepare: Understanding symptoms of severe allergic reactions & your specific allergies/ triggers is essential. Allergy testing can identify specific allergens, and this information can be used to avoid triggers and prepare for potential exposure. For example, people with severe food allergies should always carry an epinephrine auto-injector.

While symptoms of severe allergic reactions are often non-fatal, experts emphasize that regardless of their severity, they inevitably impact an individual’s quality of life. Additionally, even individuals with mild allergies experience sleep disturbances, leading to decreased productivity. Moreover, those with moderate allergies commonly face challenges with their mental well-being, including symptoms of depression or anxiety. Although we must acknowledge that correlation does not imply causation, the continuous lack of quality sleep and persistent discomfort can eventually take a toll on an individual’s overall well-being.


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