5 Reasons Why Allergies Make You Tired

by | Aug 24, 2023 | Allergy Prevention, Managing Allergic rhinitis, seasonal allergies

It’s evident that allergies are more than just a seasonal annoyance for many; they’re a widespread condition impacting significant portions of the population that is leaving many of us questioning why allergies make you tired.

Recent data sources underscores the gravity of the situation:

  • In 2021, 25.7% of adults had a seasonal allergy.
  • A staggering 81 million people in the U.S. were diagnosed with seasonal allergic rhinitis (commonly known as hay fever) in the same year.
    • To break it down, this comprises roughly 26% (67 million) of adults and 19% (14 million) of children.
    • This condition is an allergic response to pollen originating from trees, grasses, and weeds.
  • According to the CDC, about
    • 24.7% of adults aged 18–44,
    • 27.9% of those aged 45–64,
    • 26.4% of the group aged 65–74,
    • and 21.7% of adults aged 75 and over
    • reported having a seasonal allergy in 2021.

With such striking numbers, it’s evident that the ramifications of allergies extend beyond the occasional sneeze. For many, fatigue is a significant and often overlooked side effect of allergy season. If you’ve been grappling with sudden tiredness during this period, this guide offers insights into the reasons behind why allergies make you tired.

1. Histamine Release: The Double-Edged Sword

What are histamines?

Histamines play an integral role in our body’s defense mechanism. According to WedMB, they are essentially act as the security detail of your body. Created by the immune system, their main role is to deal with unwanted guests – in this scenario, those pesky allergy triggers or “allergens.”

Now, how do they do this? Well, they might make you sneeze, prompt your eyes to water, or cause an itch. Basically, these reactions serve as the body’s way of saying something isn’t right. Interestingly, while many allergens like pollen, pet fur, or dust might seem harmless to many, for those with allergies, they’re a big deal. So, when these allergens show up, the immune system jumps to action, seeing them as bad news.

Even though the body’s goal is to shield you, this enthusiastic defense often leads to those annoying allergy symptoms we’re all familiar with. And that’s why many of us opt for antihistamines, hoping to calm this overactive defense mechanism.

Histamines’ part in why allergies make you tired:

Here’s the catch: histamines also play a role in regulating sleep and wakefulness in the brain. An excess release of histamines can lead to disruptions in this cycle, causing drowsiness or altered sleep patterns. The body’s effort to remove allergens combined with this interference in sleep regulation can make you feel exhausted.

2. Poor Sleep

The Link Between Allergies and REM Sleep:

Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep isn’t just about dreaming; it plays a pivotal role in cognitive tasks like memory consolidation and learning. Now, according to the National Library of Medicine, allergies and their associated symptoms, especially nasal blockages and itchiness, can indeed fragment this crucial REM phase, leading to multiple awakenings during the night. They highlighted that for every 1% uptick in REM sleep, there’s a 1.2 times decrease in the likelihood of experiencing allergies.

To break it down, individuals experiencing moderate to severe disturbances during REM sleep (with around ≥15 interruptions per hour of sleep) are significantly more susceptible to allergies. This susceptibility is 5.1 times higher than those with minimal REM sleep interruptions, even when accounting for other potential influencing factors.

Sleep’ part in why allergies make you tired:

It’s simple mathematics. The less quality sleep you get, the more tired you will be. Not getting deep, rejuvenating sleep due to allergy symptoms directly leads to daytime fatigue.

3. Immune System Overdrive

Allergies seem to be a common part of life for many of us, causing anything from a mild inconvenience to severe, life-threatening reactions. But have you ever paused to think about what’s really happening inside your body when an allergic reaction occurs?

So why allergies makes you tired? Think of your immune system as a battery. When it’s constantly on, it’ll drain faster. The more energy your body diverts to fighting allergens, the less it has for other activities, leaving you feeling drained. Every time you experience an allergic reaction, your immune system swings into action. It identifies the allergen as a threat, launching a series of responses to neutralize and remove it.

What are Allergies?

Allergies are your body’s way of responding to what it perceives as threats, even if these substances, known as allergens, are often harmless. The symptoms you experience during an allergic reaction – the sneezing, itching, and more – arise from your immune system’s overzealous efforts to fend off these allergens. So, when dust, pollen, or certain foods trigger your allergies, it’s essentially your body sounding the alarm and going into defensive mode.

Understanding the Immune System

Your immune system is a marvel. According to Hopkins Medicine, it’s a vast network comprising cells, tissues, and organs that cooperate to fend off harmful invaders, from viruses to bacteria. Key players in this system include the lymphoid organs: the adenoids, appendix, bone marrow, lymph nodes, and even the spleen, among others. These organs play specific roles in producing and activating lymphocytes, the white blood cells that fight off infections.

How do Allergies Develop?

You might wonder why certain substances trigger sneezes and watery eyes for some, while others are completely unaffected. The development of allergies can be attributed to the antibody called immunoglobulin E (IgE). When your body encounters an allergen for the first time, it might produce a significant amount of IgE. On subsequent exposures to the same allergen, these antibodies recognize it and trigger an allergic reaction.

Allergies can Strike Anyone

Regardless of age, gender, or background, no one is truly safe from allergies. While they tend to be more prevalent in children, adults aren’t exempt. Factors such as hormones, stress, and even environmental irritants can influence the onset and severity of allergic reactions.

Allergies are not merely inconveniences that make you sneeze or itch. They’re complex responses involving your immune system, and understanding them can help you manage your energy levels and overall health better. If you believe you have severe allergies, particularly if you’re at risk for anaphylactic shock, it’s crucial to consult with a healthcare professional to get the right advice and tools (like an epinephrine injector) on hand.

This is why we have created a blog on 5 Tips for Staying Allergy-free. Click here to read the article!

Your immune system’ part in why allergies make you tired:

Think of your immune system as a battery. When it’s constantly on, it’ll drain faster. The more energy your body diverts to fighting allergens, the less it has for other activities, leaving you feeling drained.

4. Breathing Difficulties

How Allergies Obstruct Breathing:

Allergic reactions often swell the airways, making it harder for air to pass through. This is especially pronounced at night when the horizontal position can further constrict airways.

Hay fever, scientifically termed allergic rhinitis, targets the nose and sinuses, triggering symptoms like sneezing, nasal congestion, itchiness in both the nose and eyes. This congestion can sometimes make nasal breathing challenging.

On the other hand, allergic asthma is centered on the lungs and is commonly seen in those already diagnosed with asthma. It leads to symptoms like coughing, wheezing, chest tightness, and either shortness of breath or rapid breathing. When it comes to allergic asthma, these manifestations can occur concurrently.

Allergy Symptoms Breakdown

Every individual can experience different allergic reactions. The reaction’s nature and intensity often depend on the immune response and the allergen in question. While some show mild reactions like a sneeze or teary eyes, others may face severe reactions like anaphylaxis—a rare yet potentially fatal allergic response.

Here’s a list of symptoms associated with various allergies:

  • Constant sneezing
  • Irritation in the nose, eyes, or the mouth’s roof
  • Blocked or runny nose
  • Eyes that are watery, reddened, or puffy

Breathing difficulties’ part in why allergies make you tired:

Our bodies require oxygen for energy production. Difficulty in breathing reduces oxygen intake, and less oxygen means the body has to work harder to produce the same amount of energy, making you feel more tired. Our bodies require oxygen for energy production. Difficulty in breathing reduces oxygen intake, and less oxygen means the body has to work harder to produce the same amount of energy, making you feel more tired.

5. Chronic Low-grade Inflammation

Inflammation in Allergies:

Allergic reactions trigger inflammation as the body’s way of defending against perceived threats. While acute inflammation (short-term) helps heal, chronic (long-term) inflammation, often seen in allergy sufferers, can be detrimental. Chronic inflammation not only affects the areas where allergies are most pronounced (like the sinuses) but can also spread, leading to a general feeling of being unwell and drained.

Chronic Low-grade Inflammation‘ part in why allergies make you tired:

Inflammation isn’t just about swelling or redness; it also affects the body on a cellular level. Chronic inflammation can put stress on the body’s systems, making it harder for it to recover and regenerate, leading to a persistent feeling of fatigue.

Remedies For Allergies

Battling allergy symptoms can feel like an uphill challenge, especially during peak seasons. While professional advice remains paramount, several home remedies can help alleviate these pesky symptoms.

But fear not, dear reader! There’s a silver lining to this allergenic cloud: Morning Miracle.

Morning Miracle isn’t just a fancy name—it’s the lifeline for those of us grappling with allergy-induced fatigue. Crafted from all-natural ingredients, this formula is tailored to combat these very symptoms.

  • Clears congestion? Check!
  • Relieves allergy symptoms? Absolutely!
  • Strengthens the immune system? You bet!
  • Hydration boost? Like a sip from a mountain spring!
  • Energy injection? As rejuvenating as the first light of dawn!

But don’t just take our word for it. Jane from Wisconsin writes, “Ever since I started using Morning Miracle, I’ve felt more awake, more alive. My allergies are under control, and I’m no longer battling midday fatigue.” With a shining 5 out of 5-star rating, Morning Miracle is a game-changer.

Allergy-Reduction Tips:

  1. Wash Up After Going Outside: Stepped outside for some fresh air? Remember, pesky pollen might cling to you. Once indoors, take a shower to wash off any pollen from your hair and skin. Freshen up your clothes too, as lingering pollen can trigger unwanted reactions. A key point: pollen and insects often latch onto laundry drying outside. If you’re battling seasonal allergies, it’s better to dry your clothes indoors.
  2. Avoid Mowing the Lawn: Some chores might be harmful to those prone to allergies. Tasks like mowing the lawn or pulling out weeds can kick up allergens. If you can, get someone else to do these chores, reducing your chances of exposure.
  3. Stay Inside When Necessary: Dry and windy days are prime times for high pollen counts. Limit your time outdoors on such days. If you’re yearning for some outdoor fun, wait for the rain. It helps clear out airborne pollen, making post-rain intervals better suited for outdoor activities.
  4. Inside Cleaning Tips: A clean home can significantly reduce allergy triggers. Consider investing in a HEPA filter and a vacuum equipped with one. It efficiently traps tiny particles, including pollen and pet dander. Regularly wash items like curtains, pillow covers, and especially pet beds if pet dander is a concern. Speaking of pets, give them regular baths. And if you find yourself waking up with a stuffy nose, perhaps it’s time to wash those bed sheets.

Arming yourself with these tips and integrating them into your daily routine can make a significant difference in managing allergies. Always remember, if symptoms persist or become severe, consulting a healthcare professional is essential.


Given the vast number of people affected by seasonal allergies, understanding its multi-faceted impact is crucial. Recognizing not only the immediate symptoms but also the profound effects allergies can have on our daily lives, such as fatigue, is essential. The solution? Products like Morning Miracle, which offer relief from these draining symptoms. Here’s to a future of brighter mornings, clearer days, and consistent energy – regardless of the season!

We sincerely appreciate you taking the time to join us on this informative journey. Your well-being is paramount to us, and we hope the insights provided have been valuable. If you have any questions or topics you’d like more information on, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Who knows? Your question might just inspire our next article! Thank you for being here with us, and we look forward to assisting you further in your quest for knowledge and health.


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